What are low-rise buildings?
Low rise buildings are multi-family or apartment buildings that are 3-4 stories high. Quite often it’s older buildings that require consistent maintenance. Cleaning gutters and windows in low-rise multifamily and apartment buildings can be much harder. Often low rise buildings have flat roofs with small slopes and several seeps and drains that can get clogged. With these buildings, window and gutter cleaning is more difficult than regular houses, such as bungalows because of the height.
Why it’s important to schedule professional gutters cleaning.
There can be older plastic drains on the roofs that are something to watch out for, as they can deteriorate and break and debris can get into the buildings causing problems. The overflow of debris can cause these old drains to break. If you are a property manager and you are in charge of an old building with older plastic drains – it’s crucial that you book a gutter cleaning two times a year to avoid issues, especially if there are a lot of tall trees in your area. Having consistent contractors and scheduled window and gutter cleanings will help you to avoid the debris buildup and problems with flooding and safety concerns due to mould and bacteria.
Because of higher roofs, it takes special skills to clean up these gutters. Working on roofs can be dangerous and it’s not a task that anyone can do. Shine Above technicians will utilize all necessary safety procedures while getting on the roof to clean it. We use tie-off ladders, straps, roof anchors. We will clean the roof, all seeps and drains. While drains in place will stop most big debris, small debris will still accumulate in the drains causing rotting and roof damage if not cleaned on time. That’s why it is best to schedule seasonal maintenance.
Safety regulations with commercial buildings
Another reason why it’s best to hire a professional window and gutter cleaning company for low rise/multi family buildings is because of stricter safety regulations with commercial buildings. In multi-family buildings, safety regulations are a special concern – for both tenants and workers.
Rental buildings have to adhere to certain safety and health regulations, like being kept in a waterproof, windproof, and weatherproof condition. If gutters aren’t cleaned on time the building might get roof damage which costs a lot more to fix. The water damage is always costly and on top of that it creates serious issues with safety regulations for the building manager.
So, by hiring professional window and gutter cleaners you ensure that the building is serviced according to health and safety regulations and that there is no liability risk, as professional gutter cleaners are fully insured with WCB and liability. Hiring reliable and experienced technicians to do the regular building maintenance keeps the property clean and safe. It also helps to maintain property values for condo owners in the case of condo properties.
Book window and gutter cleaning for your low rise building today. Call us at 780.651.1533 to schedule an appointment.
We service the following locations: Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, St. Albert, Surgeon County, Spruce Grove, Stoney Plain, Leduc, Beaumont, and more!